קורות החיים שלי

בעל רקע רחב ומשמעותי בתפקידים מקצועיים ובתפקידי מנהיגות, אני מקדיש את עשרים השנים האחרונות לשליטה בפיתוח מוצרי אינטרנט. מחויבותי ללמידה מתמשכת מתבטאת בלימודים מקוונים שאני עובר באופן רציף כדי להתעדכן בטכנולוגיות החדשות בתחום.
הידע שלי במתודולוגיות פיתוח מגוונות הוא מקיף, ואני מביא איתי ניסיון עשיר בניהול פרויקטים טכניים ופיתוח מוצרים. הבנה מסחרית עמוקה משלימה ומעצימה את המומחיות הטכנית שלי בתעשייה.

בנוגע לגילי, אני מעודד שיח עם הממליצים שלי, שיאשרו כי שנותיי הן עדות לתובנות מנוסות ולא מגבלה. כדברי פתגם סיני, גיל האדם הוא ממוצע גילם של חמשת האנשים העובדים סביבו. בהתאם לכך, אני כבן 32 בעשר השנים האחרונות.

CV - היסטוריה מקצועית

Full stack freelancer,

01-24 – Today

Development of store-front connecting with headless CMS like Shopify, Commerce.JS, etc. Platforms: using Astro.js

Webiks – Team leader

05/22 – 09/23

Using Technologies like Node.js, Docker, Kubernetes Container platform (OpenShift), Redis, PostgreSQL GraphQl and more Investigating Open Telemetry, Dyna trace

stealth eCommerce company

05/21 – 02/22

H/O Tech leads designing the new echo system for a B2B eCommerce framework and application

Multilayer marketing system

01/20 - 05/21

I was developing a multilayer marketing system. The system was developed in React + Gatsby.js using Server-Side Rendering technology combining databases in Firebase and Contentful with Serverless Functions elements

Razor Grip (Tech Lead)

05/19 - 12/19

Conduct a Web development project to convert an Android / iOS App to work as a. Web Application. The project was developed on React

Nova Measuring Systems

03/18 - 05/19

Tech Leader and 'hands-on' Developer in a WEB project aim to produce test recipes for its Lase-based test devices. The Prescription Production System (The client side) was developed in Angular.js 5, and the server side was developed in Node.js with communication to the Python server for calculation results. And connection via a REST interface to the company's classic test system that worked on Dot Net


03/17 - 03-18

Frontend Developer in the Automation Studio project using JavaScript, Angular, Joint.js - a Rapid Graphics System Interface and HTTP Interfaces for .NET Systems

D3 project & 5th dimention

2016 - 03-17

Using React and D3 v4 to develop an online data visualization system for cellular phone detection. Conducting a Web, turnkey project for a European recruiting company for online analyzing candidates' qualifications

Indications Ltd

2003 - 2006

Indications were a website that delivers real-time financial data and supplies analysis tools for laypeople and professional traders regarding the technology employed, applications provided, user-friendliness, and operating cost efficiency. Indications were the first product of their kind in the world.

Neural Networks Technologies

2000 - 2002

NNT was a Neural Technologies Foundry having R&D centers in the Netherlands, Russia, and Israel. NNT creates and operates highly focused companies in image processing, pattern recognition, and encryption. Leveraging its neural network core technologies, NNT devises innovative applications, defines compelling products, forge strategic alliances, and builds breakthrough companies for launch on the fast track to market.

Casdim International Inc. Founder

1995 - 2000

Developing an Intranet/Internet-Based Hotel guest in-room Online Information and Services System. Using his in-room TV controlled by a wireless Infra-Red keyboard, the hotel's guest can enjoy a rich content Intranet site and surf the World Wide Web, having full email and fax services. The system comprises an in-room Network Computer connected to the TV set and an NT or Unix Server via Ethernet infrastructure using TCP/IP protocol.

Casdim Software Systems Ltd.

1989 - 1995

developing a complete Clinical Laboratory management and operation line of products. The system handled all clinical laboratory processes from online ordering by the physician through an entire automated lab process and distribution. The system was installed in 80% of the Israeli market in over 1000 laboratories, responsible for turning 120 people, including 70 software engineers in the R&D department, to work under ISO9001 quality assurance regulations. The Company Technology was sold successfully to Clinical Dimensions Inc in 1996.